Entry 1: 8/25/17
Hello everyone, my name is Matt and I am here to officially introduce Old School Throws!
The company's primary goal is to reintroduce organic throws to a market dominated by competition oriented yoyos that are often v or h shaped in design.
The inspiration for this company came from years of playing with yoyos from the 2000-2010 era. I started yoyoing in 2009 but wasn't serious until 2013. At the time, I was infatuated with the General-Yo Hatrick, thus sparking my love for small diameter organics. Over the course of the next few years, I bought, sold, and collected over 300 yoyos from this era.
Getting to try out all of these yoyos not only refined my preferences, but also gave me insight as to what I wanted to add to the market. For years I've been playing with different specs, trying to find the perfect combination that would yield a high quality throw that includes my favorite characteristics of last decade's yoyos.
Entry 2: 11/7/17
The holiday season is upon us as is the next run of Quints! We worked with our machinist and a variety of anodizers to bring you all 5 new colorways and a handful of 1/1s!
We did a poll a few months back that allowed you all to choose which solids you wanted for this second run. Clear was the overwhelming favorite and will be the first colorway available when the second run drops! In addition, gold and purple will be sold as solids.
Similar to the first batch, there will be half swaps sold. The first will be the Lakers Quint, a combo of purple and gold!
In addition, there will be a mystery fade and mystery solid with a special finish to be announced later. Hopefully we'll have some clears live on the store by Black Friday weekend!
Entry #3: 8/3/19
Wow, it's been a minute since we last gave you guys an update. If you’ve followed us on IG, YYE forums, and/or Facebook, you’re probably familiar with some of our recent projects.
Last summer we had the honor of working with Jensen and the guys over at A-rt. To this day that was still the coolest thing I’ve done under the Old School Throws name. Jensen’s 2010 Worlds final is still my favorite freestyle and his cabin tutorials were some of the first tricks I learned. I was a bit starstruck to say the least.
The design came out pretty quickly and we loved the protos. Few changes were made and we ended up with the VI IX. The old school stamps we used for the packaging were the finishing touch on a project reminiscent of my favorite era of yoyos.
Fast forward to early 2018. A design in mind was a combo of two popular design features, bimetal and (more recently) slimline. The goal was to get as much performance into the narrowest frame as possible. The Resto is very slim for an unresponsive slimline. The design was optimized for unresponsive play and will not fit a half stock bearing.
Our most recent model is the Medallion, something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time.
The Medallion was designed to look like a miniature Resto but use a copper-tungsten alloy instead of stainless steel for the rings. Tungsten is incredibly expensive to machine and production was mostly limited to preorder (with a few extras). The intention was to make a mini that did not feel like a full size. Yes, you read that correctly.
Personally, the biggest pitfall of minis is making them the same weight as a full size yoyo. A 40-44 mm yoyo with 63-67 g of weight often feels clunky. The Medallion, coming in about 10 g lighter, feels floaty on the string while having the stability of heavier minis thanks to the density of the rings.
We’re sponsoring Worlds 2019 with the Boutique Yoyo Collective and will check back after!